The principal programming paradigms organized according to concepts, from Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computing Programming

The human respiratory system as a feedback structure, from Scale and Design for Peer-to-Peer and Cloud (see Research Report RR2011-01)

Programming Languages and Distributed Computing (PLDC) Research Group

This page presents the activities of the PLDC Research Group in the ICTEAM Institute (formerly Department of Computing Science and Engineering (INGI)) at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. These activities have as general theme to increase the expressiveness of programming languages, with a special focus on support for distributed computing. Our research is a combination of theory and practice: new concepts are suggested by development needs, which leads both to theoretical results and system building.

Textbook on computer programming

A well-known result of our work is the classic textbook Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming, which we use for teaching at UCL and for which we provide a large amount of educational material.

Mozart Programming System

Important notice: the official Web site for Mozart is now

Our research vehicle is often the Mozart Programming System, a full-featured development platform based on the Oz multiparadigm programming language. Please subscribe to the Google Groups mozart-users and mozart-hackers to keep up with the latest developments on Mozart.

MOOC: Paradigms of Computer Programming

Since 2014 we are organizing a two-part Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Paradigms of Computer Programming in the edX consortium. This year, the first part Louv1.1x will start on Sep. 26, 2016; please register here. The second part Louv1.2x will start on Nov. 7, 2016; please register here. MIT Press makes available part of our textbook without charge for students taking the MOOC.


  • Collaborators and collaborating institutions:

    Funded Projects

    Former Projects

    Other Research Activities

    Publications and Software Releases
















    2002 and earlier

    The above publications give a flavor of what we do. For more, see the Mozart publication page, Van Roy's publication page, the SELFMAN project page, and the PEPITO project page.

    Last updated Aug. 2011 by Peter Van Roy.